On March 26, 2021, the launch of the “Report on the Assessment of Disability Accessibility of Commercial Insurance in China” was officially held at the Nikko New Century Hotel in Beijing. The launch was hosted by Yibao, ACCESS Health-FinTech for Health Platform and AiEr Foundation, and funded by the FinTech and the Research Center of Financial Consumer Protection of Central University of Finance and Economics, the Society and Finance Center of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, the Center for Insurance Research of Beijing Technology and Business University, and the Center for Social Security and Public Interest Finance of the Institute of Contemporary Social Services. This event focused on the launch of the “Report on the Assessment of Disability Accessibility of Commercial Insurance in China” (hereinafter referred to as the Assessment Report), the sharing of Fintech for Health program and our efforts in the region, and the launch of China Disabled Population’s Protection Platform.

Nearly 100 people from academic institutions, insurance companies, and disability service organizations participated in person for the live conference, and a total of 36,000 people watched the online broadcast.

group photo of the organizers and guests


live broadcast online


Some highlights of the Event

Sharing of F4H Project and Regional Efforts
Yue XU, Head of Fintech for Health China, ACCESS Health International, introduced and shared the contents and achievements of Fintech for health. The specific contents include:
1) The “Fintech for Health” program with MetLife Foundation in Asia Pacific region, including background, actions, impact, and partners.
2) FinTech for Health concept, model and application cases in India and Malaysia.
3) Health Financial Services for the Disabled in China: Demands, Status Quo, Challenges and Countermeasures.

Yue Xu is introducing Fintech for Health program and the efforts in the region


Fintech for Health Sharing

China Disabled Population’s Protection Platform Launch
Yibao’s cofounder Yun Zhao officially initiated the launch of China Disabled Population’s Protection Platform. In his speech, he shared the platform’s goals, positioning, and impact. It is a platform for cooperation and communication among government departments, financial institutions, research institutes, disabled people’s associations, and public welfare organizations concerned with the protection and health services of disabled people. It helps build a comprehensive service platform for public welfare in the field of health finance for people with disabilities in China through professional research and advocacy, project cooperation, and talent training.

The launch, through the development of insurance for the disabled, will effectively help China develop and improve a multi-level social security system, effectively reduce the vulnerability of the disabled and their families to risks, and become an important initiative of great social value in the development of China’s inclusive finance and the welfare of the disabled. In the future, ACCESS Health and Yibao will continue to build China Disabled Population’s Protection Platform, develop the database, create suitable products to accelerate the realization of inclusive finance for the disabled and effectively protect the health and financial needs of the disabled.